Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/153

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O Syren, Syren! fair Deluder! ſay,
Why would you tempt to truſt, and then betray?
So faithleſs now, why gave you hopes before?
Alas! you ſhould have been leſs kind, or more.
Tell, for you know the burthen of my heart,145
Its killing anguiſh, and its ſecret ſmart.

Secure of innocence, I ſeek to know
From whence this change and my misfortunes grow;
Rumour is loud, and ev’ry voice proclaims
Her violated faith and conſcious flames.150
Can this be true? ah! flatt’ring Miſchief! ſpeak;
Could you make vows, and in a moment break?
And can the ſpace ſo very narrow be
Betwixt a woman’s oath and perjury?
O Jealouſy! all other ills at firſt155
My love eſſay’d, but thou art ſure the worſt.
Tell, for you know the burthen of my heart,
Its killing anguiſh, and its ſecret ſmart.

Ungrateful Mira! urge me thus no more,
Nor think me tame, that once ſo long I bore:160
If paſſion, dire revenge, or black deſpair,
Should once prevail beyond what man can bear,
Who knows what I? Ah! feeble rage, and vain;
With how ſecure a brow ſhe mocks my pain!
Thy heart, fond lover! does thy threats belie;165
Canſt thou hurt her for whom thou yet wouldſt die!