Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/160

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But ſee, the mighty Thund’rer ’s here!
Tremble, Peleus! tremble, fly.
The Thunderer! the mighty Thunderer!60
Tremble, Peleus! tremble, fly.

JUPITER being deſcended.

JUP. Preſumptuous Slave! rival to Jove,
How dar’ſt thou, Mortal! thus defy
A goddeſs with audacious love,
And irritate a god with jealouſy?65
Preſumptuous Moral!—hence—
Tremble at Omnipotence.
PEL. Arm’d with love, and Thetis by,
I fear no odds
Of men or gods,70
But Jove himſelf defy.
Jove! lay thy thunder down;
Arm’d with love, and Thetis by,
There is more terror in her frown,
And fiercer lightning in her eye.75
I fear no odds
Of men or gods,
But Jove himſelf defy.
JUP. Bring me lightning, give me thunder;
Haſte, ye Cyclops! with your forked rods,80
This rebel Love braves all the gods.
Bring me lightning, give me thunder.