Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/41

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Which, like our flag upon the ſeas, gives law
By right avow’d, and keeps the world in awe.
Our gallant kings, of whom large annals prove135
The mighty deeds, ſtand as renown’d for love:
A monarch’s right o’er Beauty they may claim,
Lords of that ocean from whence Beauty came.
Thy Roſamond, great Henry! on the ſtage
By a late Muſe preſented in our age,140
With aching hearts and flowing eyes we view,
While that dissembled death presents the true :
In Bracegirdle[1] the perſons ſo agree,
That all ſeems real the ſpectators ſee.
Os Scots and Gauls defeated, and their kings145
Thy captives, Edward! Fame for ever ſings;
Like thy high deeds thy noble loves are prais’d,
Who haſt to Love the nobleſt trophy rais’d.
Thy ſtatues, Venus! tho’ by Phidias’ hand
Deſign’d immortal, yet no longer ſtand;150
The magic of thy ſhining zone is paſt,
But Saliſbury’s garter ſhall for ever laſt,
Which, thro’ the world by living monarchs worn,
Adds grace to ſceptres, and does crowns adorn.
Is ſuch their fame who gave theſe rights divine155
To ſacred Love, O what diſhonour ’s thine,
Forgetful Queen! who ſever’d that bright head[2]
Which charm’d two mighty monarchs to her bed?

  1. A famous actreſs.
  2. Mary Queen of Scots, beheaded by Queen Elizabeth.