Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/47

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With charms ſo num’rous Mira does ſurpriſe,290
The lover knows not by which dart he dies;
So thick the volley, and the wound ſo ſure,
No flight can ſave, no remedy can cure.
Yet dawning in her infancy of light,
O ſee another Brud’nel[1] heav’nly bright,295
Born to fulfil the glories of her line,
And fix Love’s empire in that race divine!
Fain would my Muſe to Cecil[2] bend her ſight,
But turns aſtoniſh’d from the dazzling light,
Nor dares attempt to climb the ſteepy flight.300
O Kneller! like thy pictures were my ſong,
Clear like thy paint, and like thy pencil ſtrong,
Theſe matchleſs beauties ſhould recorded be
Immortal in my verſe, as in thy gallery.[3]304

Soon after the recovery of Mrs. Mohun.

Scarce could the general joy for Mohun appear,
But new attempts ſhew other dangers near;
Beauty ’s attack’d in her imperial fort,
Where all her Loves and Graces kept their court;

  1. Lady Molyneux.
  2. Lady Ranclaugh.
  3. The gallery of beauties in Hampton Court, drawn by Sir Godrey Kneller.