Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/46

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Dorſet already is immortal made265
In Prior’s verſe, nor needs a ſecond aid.
By Bentinck and fair Rutenbtrg we find
That beauty to no climate is confin’d.
Rupert, of royal blood, with modeſt grace
Bluſhes to hear the triumphs of her face.270
Not Helen with St. Albans might compare.
Nor let the Muſe omit Scroop, Holms, and Hare.
Hyde Venus is, the Graces are Kildare.
Soft and delicious, as a southern sky,
Are Daſhwood’s ſmiles; when Darnley[1] frowns we die.275
Careleſs, but yet ſecure of conquest, ſtill
Lu’fon, unaiming, never fails to kill:[2]
Guiltleſs of pride, to captivate or ſhine,
Bright without art, ſhe wounds without deſign.
But Wyndham like a tyrant throws the dart280
And takes a cruel pleaſure in the ſmart;
Proud of the ravage that her beauties make,
Delights in wounds, and kills for killing ſake;
Aſſerting the dominion of her eyes,
As heroes fight for glory, not for prize.285
The ſkilful Muſe’s earlieſt care has been
The praiſe of never-fading Mazarine;
The poet[3] and his theme, in ſpight of Time,
For ever young, enjoy an endleſs prime.

  1. Lady Catharine Darnley, Ducheſs of Buckingham.
  2. Lady Gower.
  3. St. Evremond, who has celebrated Madam Mazarine under the name of Hortenſe.