Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/91

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To Mrs. Laura Dillon, now Lady Falkland.

Bacchus! to arms, the enemy ’s at hand,
Laura appears; ſtand to your glaſſes, ſtand;
The god of Love the god of Wine defies,
Behold him in full march in Laura’s eyes:
Bacchus! to arms; and, to reſiſt the dart,5
Each with a faithful brimmer guard his heart.
Fly, Bacchus! fly, there ’s treaſon in the cup,
For Love comes pouring in with ev’ry drop;
I feel him in my heart, my blood, my brain;
Fly, Bacchus! fly, reſiſtence is in vain,10
Or craving quarter: crown a friendly bowl
To Laura’s health, and give up all thy ſoul.12

Spoken by way of Epilogue at the firſt repreſentation of the Britiſh Enchanters.

Prophetic fury rolls within my breaſt,
And as at Delphos when the foaming prieſt,
Full of his god, proclaims the diſtant doom
Of kings unborn, and nations yet to come,
My lab’ring mind ſo ſtruggles to unfold5
On Britiſh ground a future Age of Gold;
But leſt incredulous you hear—behold: