Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/92

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Here a ſcene repreſenting the Queen, and the ſeveral triumphs of her Majeſty’s reign.

High on a throne appears the martial Queen,
With grace ſublime, and with imperial mien,
Surveying round her, with impartial eyes,10
Whom to protect, or whom ſhe ſhall chaſtiſe.
Next to her ſide victorious Marlb’ro’ ſtands
Waiting, obſervant of her dread commands:
The Queen ordains, and, like Alcides, he
Obeys, and executes her high decree.15
In ev’ry line of her auſpicious face
Soft Mercy ſmiles, adorn’d with ev’ry grace:
So angels look, and ſo, when Heav’n decrees,
They ſcourge the world to piety and peace.
Empreſs and Conqu’ror, hail! thee Fates ordain20
O’er all the willing world ſole arbitreſs to reign:
To no one people arc thy laws confin’d,
Great Britain’s Queen, but guardian of mankind;
Sure hope of all who dire oppreſſion bear,
For all th’ oppreſs’d become thy inſtant care.25
Nations of conqueſt proud thou tam’ſt to free,
Denouncing war, preſenting liberty:
The victor to the vanquiſh’d yields a prize,
For in thy triumph their redemption lies:
Freedom and peace for raviſh’d fame you give,30
Invade to bleſs, and conquer to relieve: