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Othin spake:
28."Fifth answer me well,    if wise thou art called,
If thou knowest it, Vafthruthnir, now:
What giant first    was fashioned of old,
And the eldest of Ymir's kin?"

Vafthruthnir spake:
29."Winters unmeasured    ere earth was made
Was the birth of Bergelmir;
Thruthgelmir's son    was the giant strong,
And Aurgelmir's grandson of old."

Othin spake:
30."Sixth answer me well,    if wise thou art called,
If thou knowest it, Vafthruthnir, now:
Whence did Aurgelmir come    with the giants' kin,
Long since, thou giant sage?"

Vafthruthnir spake:
31."Down from Elivagar    did venom drop,
And waxed till a giant it was;