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And thence arose    our giants' race,
And thus so fierce are we found."

Othin spake:
32."Seventh answer me well,    if wise thou art called,
If thou knowest it, Vafthruthnir, now:
How begat he children,    the giant grim,
Who never a giantess knew?"

Vafthruthnir spake:
33."They say 'neath the arms    of the giant of ice
Grew man-child and maid together;
And foot with foot    did the wise one fashion
A son that six heads bore."

Othin spake:
34."Eighth answer me well,    if wise thou art called,
If thou knowest it, Vafthruthnir, now:
What farthest back    dost thou bear in mind?
For wide is thy wisdom, giant!"