Page:Poetry, a magazine of verse, Volume 7 (October 1915-March 1916).djvu/141

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New Books

Browning, How to Know Him, by William Lyon Phelps. (Bobbs-Merrill Co.)

Rudyard Kipling—a critical study, by Cyril Falls. (Mitchell Kennerley.)

Rudyard Kipling, by John Palmer. (Henry Holt & Co.)

Charles Baudelaire—his Life, by Théophile Gautier; trans. by Guy Thorne. (Brentano's.)

The Story of Yone Noguchi, told by himself. (George W. Jacobs & Co.)

The Life and Times of Tennyson, by Thomas R. Lounsbury, L.L.D. (Yale Univ. Press.)

Reprints, Translations and Anthologies:

The Little Book of American Poets, edited by Jessie B. Rittenhouse. The Quiet Hour, edited by Fitzroy Carrington. (Houghton Mililin Co.)

Complete Poetical Works of Robert Browning. New Globe Edition, with additional poems first published in 1914, (Macmillan Co.)

Anthology of Modern Anglo-Irish Verse. Edited by Padric Gregory. (Maunsel & Co.)

The Book of Irish Poetry, edited by Alfred Perceval Graves. (F. A. Stokes Co.)

The Sanskrit Poems of Mayura, by G. Payne Quackenhos. (Columbia Univ. Press.)

The Poems of Giocoino do Lentino, edited by E. F. Langley. (Harvard Univ. Press.)

War Poems, and Other Translations, by Lord Curzon of Kedleston. Belgian Patriotic Poems, by Emile Cammaerts, trans. by Tita Brand-Cammaerts. (John Lane Co.)

Welsh Poems and Ballads, by George Borrow, with Introduction by Ernest Rhys: limited edition. (G. P. Putnam's Sons.)

American Poets on Browning, edited by W. S. Braithwaite, with introductory essay by Henry Van Dyke. (Four Seas Co.)

The House of Birth, an Anthology of Parent Love, compiled by Marion Cummings Stanley. (Mitchell Kennerley.)

Ancient English Christmas Carols, 1400 to 1700, compiled by Edith Rickert. (Duffield and Co.)

The Home Book of Verse, compiled by Burton E. Stevenson: new edition in 8 vols. (Henry Holt & Co.)

Cowboy Songs and other Frontier Ballads, edited by John A. Lomax: new edition with additions. (Sturgis & Walton Co.)
