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And glorious were their doings then:
Seven bands composed the host;
Seven valiant chieftains led the men,
And each a Var[1] could boast.

In their communion all was union,
And valor in the fray;
No thought of fear was ever there,
But safety kept the sway.

They conquered long—like Samson strong,
All foemen they subdued;
With lion-hearts o'erwhelming all—
A fearful multitude.

Of all the band, the Magyars' pride
Was the renowned Arpād;
He was the highest, noblest chief,
And greatest riches had.

And soon they found, while wandering round,
The Duna's[2] waters clear;
In beauteous road those waters flow'd—
No clearer waters were.

They hurried then a messenger,
The Duna's stream to track;
And, did its name deserve its fame,
The borders to attack.

  1. Var, a castle, a fortified elevation—a word which is found in many oriental tongues.
  2. The Danube.