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The messenger pursued the stream,
The banks, the fields, the flood;
He drank of Duna's water there,
And swore that it was good.

A Lengyel[1] Lord was ruler then,
Of all the land the Lord;
Veszprem his court—but over all
Was spread a Nemet[2] horde.

The messenger to Veszprem came,
The Polish Count to see;
And bow'd his head in reverence,
And thus spoke cunningly:

"I came to see thy land and thee,
And, Herczeg,[3] this the cause
That I resort to Veszprem's court:—
To learn thy people's laws."

This pleased the Count, and nobly he
The Magyar entertain'd;
And much he saw of Lord and law,
And much instruction gain'd.

An empty flask he dar'd to ask,
Where Duna's waters pass;
The flask he filled, some earth he took,

And pluck'd a little grass.

  1. A Pole.
  2. German.
  3. Duke.