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drama. The heroes of Boſton he tells us, if the ſtamp act had not been repealed, would have left their town, their port, and their trade, have reſigned the ſplendour of opulence, and quitted the delights of neighbourhood, to diſperſe themſelves over the country, where they would till the ground, and fiſh in the rivers, and range the mountains, and be free.

Theſe ſurely are brave words. If the mere ſound of freedom can operate thus powerfully, let no man hereafter doubt the ſtory of the Pied Piper. The removal of the people of Boſton into the country, ſeems even to the congreſs not only difficult in its execution, but important in its conſequences. The difficulty of execution is beſt known to the Boſtonians themſelves; the conſequence, alas! will only be, that they will leave good houſes to wiſer men.
