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Yet before they quit the comforts of a warm home for the ſounding ſomething which they think better, he cannot be thought their enemy who adviſes them to confider well whether they ſhall find it. By turning fiſhermen or hunters, woodmen or ſhepherds they may become wild, but it is not ſo eaſy to conceive them free; for who can be more a ſlave than he that is driven by force from the comforts of life, is compelled to leave his houſe to a caſual comer, and whatever he does, or wherever he wanders, finds every moment ſome new teſtimony of his own ſubjection? If choice of evil be freedom, the felon in the gallies has his option of labour or of ſtripes. The Boſtonian may quit his houſe to ſtarve in the fields; his dog may refuſe to ſet, and ſmart under the laſh, and they may then congratulate each other upon the ſmiles of liberty, profuſe of bliſs, and pregnant with delight.
