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Of two modes of migration the hiſtory of mankind informs us, and ſo far as I can yet diſcover, of two only.

In countries where life was yet unadjuſted, and policy unformed, it ſometimes happened that by the diſſenſions of heads of families, by the ambition of daring adventurers, by ſome accidental preſſure of diſtreſs, or by the mere diſcontent of idleneſs, one part of the community broke off from the reſt, and numbers, greater or ſmaller, forſook their habitations, put themſelves under the command of ſome favourite of fortune, and with or without the content of their countrymen or governours, went out to ſee what better regions they could occupy, and in what place, by conqueſt or by treaty, they could gain a habitation.

Sons of enterpriſe like theſe, who committed to their own ſwords their hopes and
