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their lives, when they left their country, became another nation, with deſigns and proſpects, and intereſts, of their own. They looked back no more to their former home; they expected no help from thoſe whom they had left behind; if they conquered, they conquered for themſelves; if they were deſtroyed, they were not by any other power either lamented or revenged.

Of this kind ſeem to have been all the migrations of the early world, whether hiſtorical or fabulous, and of this kind were the eruptions of thoſe nations which from the North invaded the Roman empire, and filled Europe with new ſovereignties.

But when, by the gradual admiſſion of wiſer laws and gentler manners, ſociety became more compacted and better regulated, it was found that the power of
