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Their reaſon for this claim is, that the foundation of Engliſh Liberty, and of all Government, is a right in the People to participate in their Legiſlative Council.

They inherit, they ſay, from their anceſtors, the right which their anceſtors poſſeſſed, of enjoying all the privileges of Engliſhmen. That they inherit the right of their anceſtors is allowed; but they can inherit no more. Their anceſtors left a country where the repreſentatives of the people were elected by men particularly qualified, and where thoſe who wanted qualifications, or who did not uſe them, were bound by the deciſions of men, whom they had not deputed.

The coloniſts are the deſcendants of men, who either had no vote in elections, or who voluntarily reſigned them for ſome-
