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thing, in their opinion, of more eſtimation: they have therefore exactly what their anceſtors left them, not a vote in making laws, or in conſtituting legiſlators, but the happineſs of being protected by law, and the duty of obeying it.

What their anceſtors did not carry with them, neither they nor their deſcendants have ſince acquired. They have not, by abandoning their part in one legiſlature, obtained the power of conſtituting another, excluſive and independent, any more than the multitudes, who are now debarred from voting, have a right to erect a ſeparate Parliament for themſelves.

Men are wrong for want of ſenſe, but they are wrong by halves for want of ſpirit. Since the Americans have diſcovered that they can make a Parliament, whence comes it that they do not think
