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themſelves equally empowered to make a King? If they are ſubjects, whoſe government is conſtituted by a Charter, they can form no body of independent legiſlature. If their rights are inherent and underived, they may by their own ſuffrages encircle with a diadem the brows of Mr. Cuſhing.

It is farther declared by the Congreſs of Philadelphia, that his Majeſty’s Colonies are entitled to all the privileges and immunities granted and confirmed to them by Royal Charters, or ſecured to them by their federal codes of provincial laws.

The firſt clauſe of this reſolution is eaſily underſtood, and will be readily admitted. To all the privileges which a Charter can convey, they are by a Royal Charter evidently entitled. The ſecond clauſe is of greater difficulty; for how can a provincial law ſecure privileges or immunities to a
