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The Congreſs of Philadelphia, an aſſembly convened by its own authority, has promulgated a declaration, in compliance with which the communication between Britain and the greateſt part of North America is now ſuſpended. They ceaſed to admit the importation of Engliſh goods in December 1774, and determine to permit the exportation of their own no longer than to November 1775.

This might ſeem enough, but they have done more. They have declared, that they ſhall treat all as enemies who do not concur with them in diſaffection and perverſeneſs, and that they will trade with none that ſhall trade with Britain.

They threaten to ſtigmatize in their Gazette thoſe who ſhall conſume the products or merchandiſe of their Mother-country, and are now ſearching ſuſpected houſes for prohibited goods.
