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Theſe hoſtile declarations they profeſs themſelves ready to maintain by force. They have armed the militia of their provinces, and ſeized the publick ſtores of ammunition. They are therefore no longer ſubjects, ſince they refuſe the laws of their Sovereign, and in defence of that refuſal are making open preparations for war.

Being now in their own opinion free ſtates, they are not only raiſing armies, but forming alliances, not only haſtening to rebel themſelves, but ſeducing their neighbours to rebellion. They have publiſhed an addreſs to the inhabitants of Quebec, in which diſcontent and reſiſtance are openly incited, and with very reſpectful mention of the ſagacity of Frenchmen, invite them to ſend deputies to the Congreſs of Philadelphia, to that ſeat of Virtue and Veracity, whence the people of England are told, that to eſtabliſh popery, a religion fraught with ſanguinary and impious tenets, even in Quebec, a country
