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of which the inhabitants are papiſts, is ſo contrary to the conſtitution that it cannot be lawfully done by the legiſlature itſelf; where it is made one of the articles of their aſſociation, to deprive the conquered French of their religious eſtabliſhment; and whence the French of Quebec are, at the ſame time, flattered into ſedition, by profeſſions of expecting from the liberality of ſentiment, diſtinguiſhing their nation, that difference of religion will not prejudice them againſt a hearty amity, becauſe the tranſcendent nature of freedom elevates all who unite in the cauſe above ſuch low-minded infirmities.

Quebec, however, is at a great diſtance. They have aimed a ſtroke from which they may hope for greater and more ſpeedy miſchief. They have tried to infect the people of England with the contagion of diſloyalty. Their credit is happily not ſuch as gives them influence
