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ſerved, that theſe powers have not been extended ſince the rebellion in America.

One mode of perſuaſion their ingenuity has ſuggeſted, which it may perhaps be leſs eaſy to reſiſt. That we may not look with indifference on the American conteſt, or imagine that the ſtruggle is for a claim, which, however decided, is of ſmall importance and remote conſequence, the Philadelphian Congreſs has taken care to inform us, that they are reſiſting the demands of Parliament, as well for our ſakes as their own.

Their keenneſs of perſpicacity has enabled them to purſue conſequences to a great diſtance; to ſee through clouds impervious to the dimneſs of European ſight; and to find, I know not how, that when they are taxed, we ſhall be enſlaved.

That ſlavery is a miſerable ſtate we have been often told, and doubtleſs many a
