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Briton will tremble to find it ſo near as in America; but how it will be brought hither, the Congreſs muſt inform us. The queſtion might diſtreſs a common underſtanding; but the ſtateſmen of the other hemiſphere can eaſily reſolve it. Our miniſters, they ſay, are our enemies, and if they ſhould carry the point of taxation, may with the ſame army enſlave us. It may be ſaid, we will not pay them; but remember, ſay the weſtern ſages, the taxes from America, and we may add the men, and particularly the Roman Catholics of this vaſt continent will then be in the power of your enemies. Nor have you any reaſon to expect, that after making ſlaves of us, many of us will refuſe to aſſiſt in reducing you to the ſame abject ſtate.

Theſe are dreadful menaces; but ſuſpecting that they have not much the ſound of probability, the Congreſs proceeds: Do not treat this as chimerical. Know that in leſt than half a century the quit-rents
