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reſerved to the crown from the numberleſs grants of this vaſt continent will pour large ſtreams of wealth into the royal coffers. If to this be added the power of taxing America at pleaſure, the crown will poſſeſs more treaſure than may be neceſſary to purchaſe the remains of liberty in your iſland.

All this is very dreadful; but amidſt the terror that ſhakes my frame, I cannot forbear to wiſh that ſome ſluice were opened for theſe ſtreams of treaſure. I ſhould gladly ſee America return half of what England has expended in her defence; and of the ſtream that will flow ſo largely in leſs than half a century. I hope a ſmall rill at leaſt may be found to quench the thirſt of the preſent generation, which ſeems to think itſelf in more danger of wanting money than of loſing liberty.

It is difficult to judge with what intention ſuch airy burſts of malevolence
