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are vented: if ſuch writers hope to deceive, let us rather repel them with ſcorn, than refute them by diſputation.

In this laſt terrifick paragraph are two poſitions that, if our fears do not overpower our reflection, may enable us to ſupport life a little longer. We are told by theſe croakers of calamity, not only that our preſent miniſters deſign to enſlave us, but that the ſame malignity of purpoſe is to deſcend through all their ſucceſſors, and that the wealth to be poured into England by the Pactolus of America will, whenever it comes, be employed to purchaſe the remains of liberty.

Of thoſe who now conduct the national affairs we may, without much arrogance, preſume to know more than themſelves, and of thoſe who ſhall ſucceed them, whether miniſter or king, not to know leſs.
