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The other petition is, that the Crown, if this laudable oppoſition ſhould not be ſucceſsful, will have the power of taxing America at pleaſure. Surely they think rather too meanly of our apprehenſions, when they ſuppoſe us not to know what they well know themſelves, that they are taxed, like all other Britiſh ſubjects, by Parliament; and that the Crown has not by the new impoſts, whether right or wrong, obtained any additional power over their poſſeſſions.

It were a curious, but an idle ſpeculation to inquire, what effect theſe dictators of ſedition expect from the diſperſion of their letter among us. If they believe their own complaints of hardſhip, and really dread the danger which they deſcribe, they will naturally hope to communicate the ſame perceptions to their fellow-ſubjects. But probably in America, as in other places, the chiefs are incendiaries, that
