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That which was made by violence, may by violence be broken. If we were treated as a conquered people, our rights might be obſcured, but could never be extinguiſhed. The ſword can give nothing but power, which a ſharper ſword can take away.

If our union was by compact, whom could the compact bind but thoſe that concurred in the ſtipulations? We gave our anceſtors no commiſſion to ſettle the terms of future exiſtence. They might be cowards that were frighted, or blockheads that were cheated; but whatever they were, they could contract only for themſelves. What they could eſtabliſh, we can annul.

Againſt our preſent form of government it ſhall ſtand in the place of all argument, that we do not like it. While we are governed as we do not like, where
