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is our liberty? We do not like taxes, we will therefore not be taxed, we do not like your laws, and will not; obey them.

The taxes laid by our repreſentatives are laid, you tell us, by our own conſent: but we will no longer conſent to be repreſented. Our number of legiſlators was originally a burden, and ought to have been refuſed: it is now conſidered as a diſproportionate advantage; who then will complain we reſign it?

We ſhall form a Senate of our own, under a Preſident whom the King ſhall nominate, but whoſe authority we will limit, by adjuſting his ſalary to his merit. We will not with-hold a proper ſhare of contribution to the neceſſary expence of lawful government, but we will decide for ourſelves what ſhare is proper, what
