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She ſmiles like a Venus, like a Siren ſhe kills,
My poor ſoul with torment, her cruelty fills;
For me ſhe deſpiſes, my folly mak'ſt ſo:
But what's that to any man, &c.

But my heart ſhall not break for no woman alive,
I'll meet with ſome kind one who will me revive,
And let that proud ſtubborn ſtand, for what I know:
But what's that to any man &c

So if I do live, and from troubles keep free,
I'll think lighter of her, than ſhe now does of me,
So let me be roving, to another I'll go
And what's that to any man, whether or no?
So let me be roving, to another I'll go,
Scadarion, dandation, ſhe valin ſhivo.


I Am a bold batchelor juſt in my prime,
Who has a good mind to be married,
It happened once on a Saturday's night,
when late in the ale houſe I tarried.
And as coming home I heard a great noiſe,
I ſtood to liſten to hear what it was,
A woman cries out, О is there no laws?
O that I cannot be unmarried!

You rogue I brought you a portion you know,
and for thus to be ſerved by a villain,
You work all the week, and on Saturday's night,
brings me nothing home but one ſhilling,
A ſhilling I have three children to feed,
which is not enough for to find then in bread,
She up with the piſs pot and threw't at his head,
ſaying, o that I ne'er had been married.

She ſat herſelf down for to reſt her a while,
and thus the began for to prattle,
A lecture ſhe gave him again I declare,
which made his poor head for to rattle.