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( 6 )

Begone to your whores I ſolemnly ſwear,
if you ſtay any longer, I'll cut off your ears,
And I'll certainly ſpoil the reſt of your wares,
ſaying, O that I ne'er had been married.

You impudent jade to rail againſt whores,
pray where is your gallant the taylor?
By him you had a baſtard you know,
the mean time that I was a ſailor.
You rifled my riches, you plunderd my ſtore,
I father'd your baſtar'd when I come on ſhore,
You audacious jade to rail againſt whores,
ſaying, O that I ne'er had been married.

The reaſon of this the woman did ſay,
all reaſon that I had this failing,
He only ſupplied your place when away,
the mean time when you was a ſailing
For ſeven long years that you was from home,
why ſhould I ly ſighing and tumbling alone?
While you got a moll, at each port you did come,
ſaying, O that I ne'er had been married.

Before that you rogue, you diſgraced me ſo,
I paſs'd for an honeſt woman!
But now you have let the neighbours to know,
that I to the taylor was common:
For diſgracing me ſo, you're the ſon of a whore,
ſhe off with her cap, and at him once more,
Then preſently, they did roll on the floor,
ſaying, O that I ne'er had been married.

The children did ſqual, the diſhes did fly,
the pipkins did rattle like thunder;
By this time the neighbours broke open the door,
and ſtrove for to part them aſunder.
But ſhe, like a fcold, did make this reply,
go hang you, you rogue, I'll fight till I die,
She up with her hand double 'gave him a black eye,
ſaying, blaſt you, you rogue, I'll be maſter.