Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 16.djvu/903

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Food, Curious Ways of getting. (Illustrated.) 770
Forces, Wasted 408
Form, the Pleasure of Visual 780
Fourcy, Charles de 380
France, Apprentice-Schools in 285
Free Schools of America, The Early 663
Free-Will, Scientific Aspects of 745
Frost-Phenomena 842
Fuel, Water as 653

Gannett, Henry 666
Gas and the Electric Light 859
Geographical Science, The Beginnings of. (Illustrated.) 236
Geology of the Far West 568
George, Henry, On the Study of Political Economy 601
Glaciers, Experimental 860
Granville, J. Mortimer 200
Great Britain, The Wild Cattle of 138
Green Mountains, Age of the 858
Green, Nelson W. 71
Grote, A. E., Letter from 266
Gypsies, Origin of the 540

Hanoverian Village Life 467
Harmony, Modern, Imperfections of 508
Hay, Dr. George, Letter from 694
Hemp-Plant, Intoxicating Properties of the 719
Herrings 427
Hoffmann, Frederick, Sketch of Dove 261
Honeycomb, a Living 824
Honey-making in the United States 142
Hopkins, J. H. 798
Horses, Many-toed. (Illustrated.) 258
Household Pet, A Roguish. (Illustrated.) 318
Hygiene in the Higher Education of Women 519

Ice, Age of 554
Ice, Age of 693
Ideas, The Association of. (Illustrated.) 577
Imperfections of Modern Harmony 508
Improvements in Butter-making 571
Intellectual Straining in Authorship 93
Intemperance in Study 645
International Copyright, Conant on 697
Interoceanic Canal Question, Some Features of the 842
Iron-making, Petroleum in 287
Iron, Passivity of 719
International Weather-Service, The. (Illustrated.) 289
Interoceanic Canal Routes. (Illustrated.) 380

Jackson, George A. 236
James, William 577