Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 29.djvu/892

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Newton, Professor Hubert A. 733
Niagara Falls at the American Association 856
Nineteenth Century Club, The 567
Nitrification 831
Notes 142
Notes 287
Notes 431
Notes 574
Notes 718
Notes 863
Nuisance, A Bee 139

Ocean, The Antarctic 660
Oswald, Felix L., M.D. 226
Outlines, Some, from the History of Education 626
Outlines, Some, from the History of Education 747
Oyster, How the, makes his Shell 279

Parsee Children 568
Parsee Funerals 426
Phenomenon, A Curious Optical 841
Philosophy, The, of Diet 818
Photographing the Heavens 71
Pictures and Prints, The Care of 83
Planet, The Hypothetical, Neith 285
Pleasure and Pain, The Nature of 681
Poisons formed from Food 284
Poisons, The, in Spoiling Food 250
Polygamy, An Æsthetic View of 857
Popular Miscellany 135
Popular Miscellany 279
Popular Miscellany 425
Popular Miscellany 567
Popular Miscellany 710
Popular Miscellany 856
Porter, Ex-President, on Evolution 577
Preston, Dr. G. J. 639
Preyer, Professor W 221
Protect the Birds 281
Psychical Research, The Progress of 482
Psychology as a Science 699
Punjab, The 138
Putnam, Frederick Ward, Sketch of 693

Race-Culture, Hereditary Diseases and 639
Rafinesque 212
Railroad Regulation, The Difficulties of 1
Ranney, Professor Ambrose L., M.D. 386
Richards, Professor E. L. 322
Richet, Charles 771
Rivers, Underground 716
Rosenberry, A. B., M.D. 841
Rowland, Professor Henry A., Ph.D. 504
Rustless Iron 393

Schafft, Dr. A 538
School-Life and Chorea 717
Schwarz, Professor Heinrich 346
Science and the State 412
Science, De Candolle on the Production of Men of 34