Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 31.djvu/890

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Greek Question, The, again 271
Greek Question, Present Status of the 14
Griffin, La Roy F. 558
Growth, Second, of Woods, Origin of 424

Halsted, Byron D. 84
Hammond, William A. 554
Hammond, William A. 846
Harbor-Channels, How, may be Kept Clear 140
Hats as a Cause of Baldness 97
Hats as a Cause of Baldness 845
Hazen, William Babcock 112
Heat, The Sun's 19
Holladay, L. L. 846
Hospital, Skin and Cancer, The New York 137
Huxley, Professor T. H. 207
Hydrophobia Inoculations, M. Pasteur's, Value of 718
Hygiene as a Basis of Morals 67

Industrial Education and Railway Service 233
Instincts, Some Human 160
Instruction, Work and Play in 425

James, Professor E. J. 14
James, Professor William 160
Jamin, Jules, Sketch of 262
Johnson, Anne M. 700
Johnson, John, Jr. 796

Keyes, John Arnold 474
Kinley, Isaac 333

Lakes, The North American 333
Lampreys, How, Build their Nests 718
Language, The, of the Emotions 814
Lawsuit or Legacy 339
Lea, Isaac, Sketch of 404
Le Conte, Professor Joseph 721
Le Sueur, W. D. 29
Life-Insurance, Honest 704
Light, Effects of, on Bacteria and other Organisms 860
Link, A, between Vertebrates and Invertebrates 429
Literary Notices 128
Literary Notices 273
Literary Notices 415
Literary Notices 563
Literary Notices 705
Literary Notices 849
Lytton, The Earl of 662

Magnus, Sir Philip 493
Malaria, The Microbe of 141
Mars, Changes in the Aspect of 532
Marsh, E. S. 123
Medicines and Digestion 281
Medicines, Strange 750
Men and Women, Mental Differences of 383
Meunier, Stanislaus 532