Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 33.djvu/889

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Sturtevant, E. L. Report of New York Agricultural Experiment Station, 1887 276
Swedenborg, Emanuel. The Soul 275
Taussig, F. W. The Tariff History of the United States 852
Thompson, D. G. The Religious Sentiments of the Human Mind 270
Van Dyke, Henry. The National Sin of Literary Piracy 137
Varona, Enrique José. Conferencias Filosoficas 420
Vaughan, V. O. Healthy Homes and Foods 418
""Ptomaines and Leucomaines 853
Von Richter, Prof. Victor. Inorganic Chemistry 132
Von Rosenberg, Leo. The Vosberg Tunnel 275
Wadsworth, M. E. Peridotites, Gabbros, Diabases, and Andesytes of Minnesota 564
White, A. D. European Schools of History and Politics 565
Whitman, C. O. The Journal of Morphology 565
Wilson, James H. China 134
Wilson, J. C. Fever-Nursing 276
Winchell, N. H. Report of Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota, 1886 563
"Woman" 136
Woodward, C. M. The Manual Training Schools 418
Wright, J. McNair. Sea-side and Way-side 421
Wright, J. McNair. Sea-side and Way-side 565
Wright, T. F. The Realities of Heaven 710
Botany as it may be taught (Halsted) 369
Botocudos, The (Miscellany) 718
Boussingault, J. B., Sketch of 836
British North Borneo (Miscellany) 139
Brooks, W. K., The Growth of Jelly-Fishes 577
Brooks, W. K., The Growth of Jelly-Fishes 710
Buckland, C. T., F. Z. S., Something about Snakes 490

Caddis-Flies, Metamorphosis of (Miscellany) 857
Census-Work, Training for (Miscellany) 278
Champion, A Philistine (Editorial) 412
Chemistry-Teaching, Some Principles of (Miscellany) 141
Children, Education and the Employment of (Andrews) 230
China, The Demand for Scientific Books in (Fielde), (Correspondence) 556
Chinese Grass-Cloth (Miscellany) 143
Chinese Mortuary Customs, Some (Fielde) 589
Chiriquians, Relics of the (Miscellany) 716
Chloroform, The Discoverer of (Miscellany) 278
Cities, Anglo-Saxon, The Dullness of (Miscellany) 862
City Life, Injurious Influences of (Piatt) 484
City Life, More Ills of (Fernald), (Correspondence) 699
Clarke, Prof. Frank Wigglesworth, Expert Testimony 653
Cliffs, Types of (Miscellany) 860
Climate, The Moral Influence of (Oswald) 37
Coal-Mine Explosions, Watering the Floors as a Preventive of (Miscellany) 717
Combinations of Capital and Labor, Philosophy of (Miscellany) 139
Commercial Depression, The Philosophy of (Noble) 159
Confession, A Great (Argyll) 55