Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 33.djvu/890

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Congress and International Copyright (Editorial) 267
Continent, A Fossil 682
Copan, Monuments, Sculptures, and Inscriptions at (Miscellany) 279
Cope, Prof. Edward D., The Relation of the Sexes to Government 721
Correction, A (Bissell), (Correspondence) 125
Correspondence 125
Correspondence 408
Correspondence 556
Correspondence 699
Correspondence 842
Cotton-String Cure, The (Towner), (Correspondence) 556
Cowles Electric Furnace, The, Products of (Miscellany) 143
Cremation, The Progress of (Miscellany) 429
Criticism, A Counter (Spencer) 150
Culture and Intelligence (Editorial) 557
Curiosities of Evolution (Bodington) 783

D'Alviella, Count Goblet, Primitive Worship of Atmospheric Phenomena 99
Darwinism and the Christian Faith 108
Darwinism and the Christian Faith 209
Darwinism and the Christian Faith 322
Darwinism, The Opposition to (Editorial) 701
Daubrée, Prof. G. A., Underground Waters and Mineral Veins 633
Dawson, G. M., Customs and Arts of the Kwakiool 345
Decrease, The Earned (Garrison), (Correspondence) 843
Decrease, The Earned, vs. the Unearned Increment (Benton) 177
Diamond, the. The Matrix of (Miscellany) 861
Discoverer, The, of Chloroform (Miscellany) 278
Drift-Sands and their Formations 534
Dynagraph, The (Miscellany) 568

Earth, the, What is known of (Strachey) 808
Easter Eggs, The Meaning of (Miscellany) 138
Eaton, Virgil G., How the Opium Habit is acquired 663
Economic Disturbances, Hon. David A. Wells on (Editorial) 126
Economic Outlook, The (Wells) 1
Economic Outlook (Morris), (Correspondence) 125
Editor's Table 126
Editor's Table 267
Editor's Table 411
Editor's Table 557
Editor's Table 701
Editor's Table 844
Education and the Employment of Children (Andrews) 230
Education for Mothers (Jenks), (Correspondence) 699
Education not a Function of the State (Editorial) 558
Electricity, Execution by (Miscellany) 424
Emerson, Prof. Edward, Man in Relation to the Lower Animals 751
End of the World, Preparation for the (Miscellany) 140
Equality or Protection (Morgan), (Correspondence) 410
Ethics and Economics (Mathews) 771
Evolution, A Difficulty regarding (Le Conte), (Correspondence) 125
Evolution, Curiosities of (Bodington) 783
Evolution, Relation of, to Materialism (Lo Conte) 79
Exhaustion from Rowing Contests (Miscellany) 715
Expert Testimony (Clarke) 653
Eye-Mindedness and Ear-Mindedness (Jastrow) 597

Fallacies in the Trades-Unions Argument (Mann) 361
"Feeding for Fat and for Lean" (Miscellany) 424
Fernald, Frederik A., More Ills of City Life (Correspondence) 699
Fielde, Adele M., The Demand for Scientific Books in China (Correspondence) 556
"Some Chinese Mortuary Customs 589