Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 33.djvu/892

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International Copyright, Congress and (Editorial) 267
Iron-Ore, Lake Superior, Origin of (Miscellany) 714
Is Combination Crime? (Morgan) 42

Janet, M. Paul, The Teaching of Psychology 332
Jastrow, Prof. Joseph, Eye-Mindedness and Ear-Mindedness 597
Jelly-Fishes, The Growth of (Brooks) 577
Jelly-Fishes, The Growth of (Brooks) 740
Jenks, Mrs. William F., Education for Mothers (Correspondence) 699
Johnson, Arnold Burges, Sound-Signals at Sea 86
Jordan, Prof. David Starr, The Octroi at Issoire 433

Kant, The Ethics of (Spencer) 464
Karr, Benjamin, Mental Traits in the Poultry-Yard 625
King, Lucy S., Women in Business (Correspondence) 842
Kingsley, Prof. J. S., Sketch of A. S. Packard 260
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert, Sketch of 120
Kwakiool, The Customs and Arts of (Dawson) 345

Lake-Age, The, in Ohio (Miscellany) 428
Lane, Alfred C., The Geological Tourist in Europe 216
Le Conte, Prof. Joseph, Relation of Evolution to Materialism 79
"A Difficulty regarding Evolution (Correspondence) 125
"The Unity of Truth (Correspondence) 699
Literary Notices 129
Literary Notices 270
Literary Notices 415
Literary Notices 559
Literary Notices 705
Literary Notices 848
Locomotives, Increasing the Tractive Power of (Miscellany) 574
Lucas, Frederic A., The Home of the Great Auk 456
Lunatic Asylums, Private, in Great Britain (Miscellany) 860

Man in Relation to the Lower Animals (Emerson) 751
"Manners," The Origin of (Miscellany) 141
Mann, J. B., Fallacies in the Trades-Unions Argument 361
Manual or Industrial Training (Von Taube) 386
Manual Training, The Purpose of (Editorial) 703
Materialism, Relation of Evolution to (Le Conte) 79
Mathews, Robert, Ethics and Economics 771
Mays, Thomas J., M.D., Future of the American Indian 104
McMillan, Conway, Heliotropism 674
Mead, S. H., Population and the Food-Supply (Correspondence) 843
Miles, Dr. Manly, Lines of Progress in Agriculture 352
Mithraism (Miscellany) 283
Moderate Drinking, The Effects of (Harley) 184
Moleschott, Jacob, The Unity of Science 520
Morgan, Appleton, Is Combination Crime? 42
Morgan, Mrs. L. D., Equality or Protection (Correspondence) 410
Morris, Charles, The Aryan Race 851
Morris, Griffith, The Economic Outlook (Correspondence) 125
Mosses and their Water-Supply (Haberlandt) 479
Mother-of-Pearl in the Red Sea (Miscellany) 139
Mound-Builders' Units of Measure (Miscellany) 425
Mystery, A Living (Allen) 730
Mythologies, Construction of (Miscellany) 574