Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 47.djvu/884

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Books noticed:

Arrowsmith, Robert, and George M. Whicher, editors. First Latin Readings 416
Art Education. Vol. I, No. 1 134
Astrophysical Journal. Vol. I, Nos. 1 and 2 413
Atken, Charles H. The Ills of the South 130
Baldwin, James Mark. Handbook of Psychology 701
Mental Development in the Child and the Race 848
Elements of Psychology 701
Balfour, George W. The Senile Heart 854
Bardeen, C. W. Handbook for School Trustees 854
Roderick Hume; the Story of a New York Teacher 417
Barnett, Mrs. S. A. The Making of the Body 268
Bass, Florence. Animal Life 418
Benedict, A. L. A Tabular Review of Organography 853
Bhikshu, Subhadra. A Buddhist Catechism 132
Bigelow, Robert P. Report on the Crustacea of the Order Stomatopoda 276
Binet, Alfred. Psychologie des Grands Calculateurs et Joueurs d'Echecs 130
Bird, Charles. Geology 706
Boston Society of Natural History. Proceedings. Vol. XXVI, Parts II and III 273
Bottone, S. R. Electricity and Magnetism 559
Brunache, P. Le Centre de l'Afrique autour du Tchad 419
Call, Richard E. The Life and Writings of Rafinesque 271
Carhart, Henry S. Physics for University Students 559
Carus, Paul. The Gospel of Buddha 132
— The Nature of the State 707
Cary, George H. How to Make and Use the Telephone 559
Catholic University Bulletin 415
Chambers, George F. The Story of the Stars 560
Chapman, Frank M. Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America 703
Cicero, M. T. De Senectute 565
Clodd, Edward. The Story of "Primitive" Man 705
Cobbe, William Rosser. Dr. Judas: a Portrayal of the Opium Habit 561
Comstock, John Henry, and Anna Botsford. A Manual for the Study of Insects 411
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Eighteenth Annual Report 854
Connell, William C. The Currency and the Banking Laws of the Dominion of Canada 133
Curry, J. L. M. Education of the Negroes since 1860 707
Daily News Almanac and Political Register for 1895 414
Dana, James D. Manual of Geology 413
Davidson, Thomas. The Education of the Greek People 411
Davis, Walter G. Annales de la Oficine Meteorologica Argentina 417
Defoe, Daniel. History of the Plague in London 854
Dooner, P. W. The Genesis of Water 134
Farquhar, Henry. A Stable Money Standard 134
Ferree, Barr, and others. Architectural Education for America 564
Fewkes, J. Walter. The Walpi Flute Observance 274
Foster, Horatio A. Central Station Book-keeping and Suggested Forms 275
Freer, Paul C. Descriptive Inorganic General Chemistry 852
Gay, Selina. The World's Great Farm 274
Geikie, Sir Archibald. Memoir of Sir Andrew Crombie Ramsay 270
Geikie, James. The Great Ice Age and its Relation to the Antiquity of Man 126
Gould, S. Baring. Noémi 565
Gowers, W. R. The Dynamics of Life 133
Green, Mary E. Condiments, Spices, and Flavors 853
Griffing, Harold. On Sensations from Pressure and Impact 564
Griswold, W. M. Index to St. Nicholas, Vols. I to XXI 275
Harris, William T. How to Teach Natural Science 415
Hawkins, C. C, and F. Wallis. The Dynamo 852
Hensel, Julius. Bread from Stones 854
Herdler, Alexander W., editor. Scientific French Reader 272
Heysinger. I. W. The Source and Mode of Solar Energy 704
Hodge, Frederick Webb. List of the Publications of the Bureau of Ethnology 275
Huidekoper, Rush Shippen. The Cat 562
Jacobi, Mary Putnam. Common Sense applied to Woman Suffrage 272
Jones, Richard. The Growth of the Idyls of the King 275
Journal of the American Public Health Association 415
Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University, Japan. Vols. VII and VIII 274
Kanthack, A. A., and J. H. Drysdale. A Course of Elementary Practical Bacteriology 564
Kennedy, John. Must Greek go? 564
Kersey, John A. Ethics of Literature 854
Keyes, Charles R. Coal Deposits of Iowa 277
Kitson, Arthur. A Scientific Solution of the Money Question 707
Knauff, Theodore C. Athletics for Physical Culture 563