Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 51.djvu/889

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Japanese Alps, Pilgrims of the. (Frag.) 570
Johnson, Helen K. Woman Suffrage and Education 222
Jordan, D. S. Sketch of Richard Owen 259
""The Silent City of the Muir Glacier 161

Kite Experiments, Franklin's, with Modern Apparatus. Alexander McAdie* 739
Koch's Latest Tuberculin. (Frag.) 425
Korean Interviews. E. S. Morse 1

Lancaster, M. A. The Discovery of the Sun Spots 681
Language, Man's, to Animals. (Frag.) 717
Lea, Henry C. Spanish Experiments in Coinage 577
Lock wood, Samuel. Sketch. W.S.Snyder. (With Portrait) 692
Longevity of Astronomers, The. (Frag.) 571

Mammoth Cave, Vegetation of the. (Frag.) 859
Man, A Versatile. (Frag.) 861
Maori Tattooing. (Frag.) 283
Marriage of the Dead. (Frag.) 282
Marsupials and their Skins. (Frag.) 285
Masters of Science, Three. (Frag.) 715
Match, Inventing a. (Frag.) 137
Maxims for the Holiday. (Frag.) 430
McAdie, Alexander. Franklin's Kite Experiments with Modern Apparatus* 739
Medical Jurisprudence, New Questions in. T. D. Crothers 454
Mississippi Floods, The Law of. (Frag.) 426
Mob Mind, The. E. A. Ross 390
Moki Indians and their Birds. (Frag.) 280
Monkeys, Our Friends the. (Frag.) 429
Morse, E. S. Korean Interviews 1
Muir Glacier, The Silent City of the. D. S. Jordan 161
Murder, The Idea of, among Men and Animals. G. Ferrero 805
Murdoch, John. Eskimo Bows and Arrows 645
Mythological Correspondences. (Frag.) 861
Myth, Quick Growth of a. (Frag.) 286

Nasmyth, James. Sketch. (Portrait) 117
Nationality and Scenery. (Frag.) 139
Nelson, N. B. Ivory 534
Newcomb, H. T. A Decade in Federal Railway Regulation 811
Nicaise, M. E. Fourteenth-Century Doctors 686
Niger, At the Head Waters of the. (Frag.) 858
Noble, Edmund. The Principle of Economy in Evolution 324
Number Systems. E. S. Crawley 524

Orchards, Roadside. (Frag.) 286
Ordnance. Evolution of the Modern Heavy Gun.* By W. Le Conte Stevens 145