Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 51.djvu/890

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O'Shea, Prof. M. V. When Character is Formed* 648
Ostriches, Dancing. (Frag.) 860
Outerbridge, Alexander E., Jr. Alchemy Redivivus 671
Owen, Richard, Sketch of. D. S. Jordan 259
Owl Trees. (Frag.) 573

Paradox of Diderot, The. M. Alfred Binet 539
Parker, W. B. The Psychology of Belief 747
Pasteur, The Last Resting Place of. (Frag.) 138
Peirce, George J. The Scope of Botany 662
Pellew, C. E. The History of Alcohol 231
Pellew, C. E. The History of Alcohol 377
Personifications, Strange. M. Th. Flournoy 112
Philosopher, The Dictum of a. (Table) 704
Plague Virus and Dr. Yersin. (Frag.) 281
Plant Distribution, Some Conditions of. (Frag.) 857
Polar Research, Objects and Results of. G. Gerland 635
Primitive Traveling. (Frag.) 428
Psychology of Belief, The. W.B.Parker 747
"Sources of the New. E. W. Scripture 98
Public Library, The Public and its. J. C. Dana 242

R's, The Three, of Prehistoric Man. (Frag.) 282
Racial Geography of Europe. W. Z. Ripley 17
Racial Geography of Europe. W. Z. Ripley 192
Racial Geography of Europe. W. Z. Ripley 289
Racial Geography of Europe. W. Z. Ripley 433
Racial Geography of Europe. W. Z. Ripley 613
Racial Geography of Europe. W. Z. Ripley 721
Railway Regulation, A Decade in Federal. H. T. Newcomb 811
Reeves, R. N. Suicide and the Environment 186
Reversions in Modern Industrial Life. II. F. Smith 34
Ripley, Prof. William Z. The Racial Geography of Europe 17
Ripley, Prof. William Z. The Racial Geography of Europe 192
Ripley, Prof. William Z. The Racial Geography of Europe 289
Ripley, Prof. William Z. The Racial Geography of Europe 433
Ripley, Prof. William Z. The Racial Geography of Europe 613
Ripley, Prof. William Z. The Racial Geography of Europe 721
Ross, Prof. Edward A. The Mob Mind 390

Saturn, The Planet. C. A. Howes 357
Science as an Instrument of Education. M. P. E. Berthelot 253
Scorpions. Are they Matricides and Suicides? J. Vilaro* 398
Scripture, E. W. Sources of the New Psychology 98
Seals and their Pups. (Frag.) 138
Seeds, The Latent Vitality of. M. C. de Candolle 106
Sewage Purification by Filtering. (Frag.) 713
Shufeldt, Dr. R. W. Some Facts about Wasps and Bees* 315
Smith, Franklin. Reversions in Modern Industrial Life. II 34
""The Despotism of Democracy 489
Snyder, W. S. Sketch, with Portrait, of Samuel Lockwood 692
Social Needs. (Table) 124
"Problem, A New. (Table) 415
"The Musée. (Frag.) 856
Spanish Experiments in Coinage. H. C. Lea 577
Spencer and Darwin. (Table) 127
Spitzbergen, Scenery of. (Frag.) 860
Starr, Frederick. Science at the University of Chicago* 784
""The Davenport Academy of Science 83
Stevens, Prof. W. Le Conte. Evolution of the Modern Heavy Gun 145