Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 57.djvu/621

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ing beyond the line of defense. In the case of a village like this resisting an attempt at capture the principles are identical; it will certainly be the points that project that will be danger spots and which will therefore require especial attention.

You observe on the enlarged map of the village that there are double lines between the outer buildings; these are the improvised intrenchments. Notice that they have not been constructed flush with the face of the outer walls in any instance; but always considerably retired. The object of this arrangement is more effectually to defend the barricades. In the annexed sketch (No. 3) 'A' and 'B' represent the two adjacent buildings and the lines 'CD' the breastwork. In the buildings are windows—'E' and 'F'—from which a heavy fire can be concentrated upon the assailants, as may be seen from the direction of the arrow heads. On the outer line are several projecting, and, therefore, especially exposed points; such as those at 'A', 'B' and 'C'. The arrow heads show the direction of protective fire. As additional protection, it might be wise to hold the two buildings ('H’, 'K’) outside the village. If not held, they ought, if possible to be destroyed, as also those marked ’JJ', not included in the defensive lines, as they offer excellent cover

for the enemy. The utmost care should be taken to provide a safe magazine for the ammunition and to cover well the place selected for a hospital. The wagons and horses would be best protected in the space marked 'LLL'.

Should our defense prove too obstinate for direct assault, it may be that the enemy will construct regular intrenchments from which to dig a trench deep enough to protect, and large enough to hold a body of troops, thus enabling them to approach sufficiently near to assail some weak point, without too great risk. The modern repeating rifle, dangerous at a thousand yards, and fatal at a hundred, has given the defense so great preponderance that it requires quick work indeed to capture a stronghold. Observe the broken lines 'OF’ and 'PF'; these show the direction of possible trenches dug by the enemy. But 'OF' would be raked by the fire from the outlying house, 'H'; the other is, therefore, the only feasible mode of approach.

The principle of defense, shown by the direction of the arrow heads