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most noted men of science who have contributed most to our knowledge in this department of sanitation.

A most noteworthy feature also was the development, care and best mode of nutrition for nurslings; it was here shown that the care for the child must begin before birth and must extend to the mother. Of great interest were the demonstrations given on the subject of nutrition of the nurslings; their weight and size, the treatment of the diseases of children, the care of the skin, the duration of sleep, etc.

A most telling story is also told on the subject of dental hygiene.

The department of the general care of the body to be observed during childhood, adult manhood and old age is most impressive and so plainly told and shown as never to be forgotten.

When we add to all this that daily demonstrations in every one of these groups were given by the most eminent men of science, engaged for the whole time of the exposition, it is easy to explain the ever-increasing number of visitors to this hall and the fact that, towards the last part of the exposition, the hall had to be opened at night on special admission tickets, sold, to satisfy this ever-increasing thirst for knowledge. It simply had become thoroughly recognized that it was within the capacity of every man and woman to accumulate, in this hall, sufficient knowledge of the laws of health to provide for oneself that modicum of health which forms the most solid foundations of all human happiness. It had become realized as never before that health means bodily, mental and moral perfection, its cultivation resulting in strength, beauty and happiness.

Foreign Pavillions

Amsterdam.—The city of Amsterdam had contributed valuable exhibits. The most interesting from the hygienic viewpoint were undoubtedly those of the city health office, consisting in tables, curves and microphotographs, the results of the chemical and bacteriological examination of food-articles and condiments; the control of infectious diseases and the ways and means employed in fighting their spread. Most interesting also were the exhibits demonstrating the difficulties experienced in Amsterdam with regard to its water-supply and the ingenious methods employed by its people to overcome them.

Brazil.—Those unacquainted with the amount and high character of work done, in recent years, in Brazil, by the public health authorities there, were surprised to see the wonderful exhibits in the Brazilian pavilion and to witness the daily kinematographic demonstrations of the actual field work done in that country, to fight yellow fever and other infectious diseases. The sanitary service of Brazil seems to be well organized and the work is done by the most improved methods and with the use of modern instruments. Completely equipped laboratories of bacteriology, chemistry and pathology are at the command of the sanitarian. Thus, under the sanitary supervision of Dr. Oswaldo