Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/301

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Popular Science Monthly



��Combined Coat Hanger and Trousers Stretcher

CLOTHES hanger and trouser hanger are connected by a device which is commonly called a "lazy tongs." When the trous- ers have been hung on the de- vice, the tongs are stretched as far as possible and locked, thus holding the trousers stretched. A coat and vest may be hung on this device at the same time by making use of the clothes hanger which forms the uppermost section of the apparatus.

Making it Easy for the Birds

A CYLINDRI- CAL bird box is made of fire-clay or pot- tery and is fash- ioned on the out- side to resemble the trunk and bark of a tree. A slanting roof, which projects well above the walls of the house to prevent the leakage of rain or water into the house, is provided with deep flanges to hold it securely in place. A circular hole is made in the side near the top for the free passage of the birds, and on the inside is a climbing strip lead- ing from the bottom to the side opening near the top to aid young birds or in- jured ones to reach the opening.

A Simple Signal for Automobiles

ON one side of the rear light is marked the word "Stop." The light is mounted on a pivot, being actu- ated by a rod con- nected with the brake rod. When the brake is moved by the driver, the light turns, exposing the warning signal to the rear.

��Keeping Shampoo Soap Out of Your Ears


���^WO ear pro- tectors are held in their prop- er places by means of a resilient metal band fitting under the chin. Passing over the top and front of the pro- tectors is a trough to catch liquid which might fall from the hair while the latter is being shampooed. The liquid passes over the top and is guided downward into the bowl, or if it falls against the front of the protect- or it is guided downward into two small cups or retainers which are suspended from the front of the protectors.

A Shaving Mug with a Soap Pump

A SHAVING niug is made with a false bot- tom to contain liq- uid soap. Passing into the soap reser- voir is a plunger which, when push- ed, allows a suffi- cient quantity of soap for one shave to pass into the water reservoir.

Snapping the Snapping Turtle

A NUMBER of resilient wires are attached to the end of a long pole. Each wire is pro- vided at its lower extremity with a hook which is first bent inwardly and then outwardly. In use. when a turtle or tortoise is seen crawling upon a river bed, the operator, with a quick down- ward movement of the pole, forces the free ends of the gripping wires or fin- gers downward upon the shell back of the reptile. The wire fingers spread out- ward until they ride over the edge of the shell back. The shoulders formed by the shape of the wire fingers engage under the shell and grip it tightly.

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