Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/302

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��Popular Science Monthly

��A Headlight Dimmer Operated from the Seat

A HOOD or shield, formed of a single piece of metal, is fitted to a pivot on each side of an au- tomobile headlight and equipped with an arm leading to a controlling lever. The shield, in its normal position, rests above the lamp, but when the con- trol lever is actuated from the driving seat, the shield pivots to the front of the lamp and deflects the rays of the search- light, so that the blinding light will not dazzle an approaching pedestrian or driver.


��A Stepladder and Ironing Board

DEVICE that will appeal to the housewife who desires compactness is a step-ladder at- tached to an iron- ing board by means of two pivots. A brace is secured to the legs of the ladder and engages the bot- tom rung and holds the ladder in place. A similar brace makes it into an ironing table. The combination when not in use can be folded together to save storage space.


��Increasing your Grip on the Golf Club

^HE palm and fingers o f a glove are provided with a number of gripping surfaces composed of flex- ible leather. These are cut to such a shape that when the glove is encir- cling a golf -club the maximum amount of gripping space is in proximity to the club, thus insuring a firm grip. On the back of the glove are numerous ventilat- ing holes, which also add to the flexi- bility of the glove.

��It's a Wise Man That Knows his own Tooth Brush

THE handle of a tooth brush is made of a trans- parent material and is provided with a deep longi- tudinal slot. In this slot may be slipped a label upon which is marked the name of the owner of the tooth brush. A plug is furnished to seal the open end of the slot, making the interior waterproof. By means of this device the name of the owner is permanently placed upon the instrument, and is not made illegible by handling or by the influence of water.


��A Sop to Feminine Vanity

FAN is made

���with a small mirror placed on the inside of one of the end blades. A small button on the same blade is designed for en- gagement with a hole in the adjacent blade. When the button is engaged in the hole, the mir- ror is concealed behind the adjacent blade, which does not open, with the rest of the fan. When it is designed to use the mirror, a slight pressure upon the end blade will free the button and ex- pose the hidden mirror.

Making Potato Chips by Machine


rod is set on a stationary arm which is provided with a clamp and set screw so that it may be secured to a table. On the arm, opposite the threaded arm, is mounted a pin and a knife blade. A po- tato is placed upon the pin, and by means of a handle the threaded arm is rotated, thus pushing the potato against the knife. In the process of turning the handle, the knife cuts the potato into strips suitable.


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