Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/442

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Exploiting: the Island of Laysan. in Oceania,

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���On the Island of Laysan in Oceania, Thousands of Al- batross Live from No- vember to January. The Island Is So Rarely Visited That It Is a Veritable Albatross Paradise. The Birds Are Splendid Flyers and Swimmers, but on Dry Land They Are as Clumsy as Geese. The Spread of Wing of Albatross is Seven - teen Feet, and the Length of the Body Four Feet

��The Albatross Breeds Be- tween November and December. The Nests Are Mere Holes Dug in the Ground and Lined with Twigs and Grass. The Female Lays Only One Egg. In March the Old Birds Leave the Island. They Return in October and Drive Away Their Own Young — Which H:ive Grown Up into Strong Fighters in the Meantime


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