Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/949

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Popular Science Monthly


��Substitutes for the Ordinary Carpenter's Levels

IN laying the foundations of a house a rubber hose may be used as a substitute for a carpenter's or engineer's level. The illustration explains how to use it. It is evident that the wate- will be at the same level in both ends of the hose.

��A Good Substitute for a Solid Round Belt


��round belt of the kind sed on a jig-saw machine, or light lathe, is required and a solid roimd belt cannot be obtained, a very good substitute, superior in some ways to the solid belt, can be made by using a

rawhide belt

��Another way pi — ' | | b | | ' ®1 — 'B"— -"—' h * lace somewhat

is to set a tub [J* OL^Iq U ^""^ ^^jl fe""^ longer than

almost full of ^^—'^ ^^ no z needed. After

water at about tt " a » soaking it in

the proper fig i. —=2=^?^^ warm water for

height, near I 1 ' some time to

the center of Two methods of constructing an accurate level, soften the

the building. A ™ ""^^^^ t^^ medium to obtain the straight- leather, pro-

, , , ,- ^ , edge or sighting level for a distant mark , , , . ^

block ot wood ceed to twist

supporting a long rule, as shown in it up until it is perfectly round. Then

Fig. I, is placed on the water. As the hang it up to dr\- with a weight of

block can turn around freely, the leveling 30 pounds or more on the end. This

can be obtained in all directions. To will make a belt with a better grip than

adjust the rule, direct it to a point A at that of the solid belt, and it has the

some distance, turn the block end for added advantage of being adjustable,

end, and if the rule points exactly to- By undoing the ends and either twisting

wards A again, it is properly placed, or untwisting it, the length can be in-

By moving a small stone B back and creased or curtailed considerably. The

forth on the block, the proper adjust- twisted leather belt will also have a bet-

ment can be easily obtained. ter grip on the grooves of pulleys than

The best method is to make the water- the smooth-surface round kind,

level as shown in Fig. 2. This level can For fastening the ends, make a close

be made by anyone handy with tools. spiral spring about 2J4 ins. long and of

It is composed of a block C that can such a diameter that the round belt will

revolve on the end of the staff D. To fit in tightly. When the two ends of the

the block is attached a tube 3 or 4 ft. belt meet in the center of the coiled

long, terminating at both ends with ■ spring the ends of the wire are passed

glass tubes — lamp chimneys will do. through the leather in the form of a

Water is poured in until it reaches hook. This makes an ideal joint which

about half way up the tube. No adjust- has flexibility and is easily remo\ed for

ment is needed since the water is at the tightening. It will not tear out like the

same level in both tubes. The instru- usual hooks on account of the holes

ment is far more accurate than one being so far away from the ends. Also

would suppose and is amply sufficient because the spring is pulled out, it

for use in laying Sc') contracts and grips the belt

foundations. — 'aC'w/u^J "^^^ water poured into a ^^ more firmly.-

Adrian GeT.^Z. |' ]gSSian length of hose win reach ./7"l/r^^ B. E. DOBREE.

the same level at both ends

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