Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/623

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Popular Science Monthly

��The door is made in two parts, of the dimensions shown, using the same kind of material as was used for the siding of the building. By nailing on the curved facial boards to the ends and those on the sides, together with the corner boards, a neat looking building results. The boards fitted at the top of the sides must be matched to fit the projecting rafters. Care must be taken to nail the corner boards as shown, and in fitting the quarter-round molding, nail it to only one of the boards. Then when the ends and sides are taken down, the molding will come with whichever board it was nailed to.

From the foregoing description, it will be noted that the building can be taken down very easily and in a comparatively short time. If it is desired to do this, the thin batten on the roof is first taken off and the screws on one side of the cleats, joining the rafters, taken out. the cleats remaining fixed to the other rafter piece. Then remove the cleats holding down the rafters to the studs. The roof can now be lifted off in two sections. Next remove two of the screws in the angle-irons which hold the ends and sides at the top. Only the lag screws at the bottom now remain to be taken out. A sloping runway is built at the front, resting on several large stones.

��Marking an Automobile for Positive Identification

USUAL marks of identification on auto- mobiles can be easily obliterated and a popular make will be diflficult to claim. Here is a method I have used for marking tools, and it can be a p - plied in the same way to an automo- bile so that the car may be identified beyond ques- tion. A small piece of sheet metal, preferably brass, is stamped with the owner's name, or other inscription, then rolled up closely and slipf)ed into a hole drilled in the frame in some out-of-the- way place. The hole is then plugged and finished over so that it cannot be seen. The owner can easily locate the place and show conclusively that the car belongs to him. — C. A. Johnson.

���Stamped metal strip inserted in hole drilled in the frame


x\ New Combination Triangle for Draftsmen's Use

THE illustration shows a triangle com- bining several unique features of value to the draftsman. In mechanical drawing two lines are generally laid out first; namely, the vertical center line and

����A triangle with combinations that serve for various tools other than the ordinary one

the horizontal center line. If a line is wanted parallel to A and 2 in. to the right, the triangle is shifted along the T-square to the f)osition as shown. By running the pencil along the vertical edge of the implement the desired result can be obtained. If the line is wanted 2 in. to the left, instead of to the right, it would simply mean shifting, the triangle along the T- square in the direction of the arrow C until the 2-in. mark on the right horizontal scale is flush with A, then by running the pencil along the vertical edge of the implement the line wanted can be drawn. The same principle can be employed when measuring below the horizontal center line B, using, of course, the upper edge of the blade.

��An Emergency Clothes Hanger Made from Roll of Paper

WHEN traveling or visiting, one fre- quently is so situated that a clothes hanger is not available. A good substitute may be made in a quick and simple way. Roll up a newspaper loosely and tie it in the middle with a piece of string, leaving a loop by which to hang it. This may be suspended from a gas bracket or from a handy hook. — Jennie E. McCoy.

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