Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/823

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Popniar Science Monthly


��Beach Patrol of the Coast Guard

THE efficient beach-patrol system maintained by the United States Coast Guard for the protection of mariners was originated in the early 'seventies by what was then known as the Life Saving Service. It is in op- eration by night, from sunset to sunrise, and also by day when the weather is thick or foggy.

The crew at each Coast Guard station is divided into watches of two men each, who are charged with the duty of patroling a regular beat, laid out in each direction from the station along the shore, and var>-ing in length, according to the conformation of the coast, from one-half to four miles. The patrolman is expected to keep a sharp look- out to seaward.

While the patrolman is out on his beat, his watch-mate takes the station watch, which is kept in the tower or on the beach abreast of the station. Besides keeping a watch sea- ward, the station man is on the look- out for signals from the patrolman. When the latter, having covered the beat in one direc- tion, returns to the station, he takes the station watch, and his mate patrols in the other direction. In harbors and sea- ports, fixed lookouts are usually main- tained instead of a beach patrol.

Every patrolman carries a supply of red Coston signals, with which to give warning to vessels standing too close inshore, or to notify a vessel in distress that he has gone to summon the neces- sary assistance.


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� � � � � � � ��No two of the stones in this house are aUke. They were gathered from all parts of the world and each has a history

��A "Crazy Patch" House Built of Stones from Everywhere

THE "crazy patch" house of David F. Brown, in Punxsutawney, Pennsyl- vania, is composed of stones from all parts of the world. There are stones from every State in the United States, stones from Italy, Ireland, China, Japan, South America and other places innumerable. Grind- stones, millstones, stones from the Mammoth Cave, from Pike's Peak, from the home of Patrick Henr>', from the spot on which General Lee surren- dered and from every historically famous place in this country, go to make up the "crazy patch" house. Over the fireplace is a piece of gold quartz from South America. It required two years to build the house, but Mr. Brown and his friends and relatives who knew of his hobby for collecting odd stones, spent much more time than that getting the necessary number of stones of which no two were alike.

���The patrolman keeps a sharp lookout to sea- ward while his watch-mate guards the station

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