Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/90

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Building a Ship Like Caesar's

A Californian will make a cruise around the world in a Roman galley which he built himself

��A QUAINT, staunch little craft, built along the lines of the ancient Roman galleys,' lately startled the inhabi- tants of the university city of Berkeley, California, by navigating through the resi- dence and business streets in a land voyage of two and one half miles to the ocean shore, where it was to receive its finishing touches.

The builder and navi- gator, Mr. Robert Paine, had the strange craft moved to the beach on three-wheeled house- moving trucks, the tow being successfully ac- complished in a few hours by a motor truck.

The idea of construct- ing such a craft was con- ceived and begun just before the European war broke out, the builder, a sculptor of note, having a commission to execute in Spain. When his original plans were thwarted, he altered them, and at the present time has the inten tion of sailing through th( Panama Canal to the Med- iterranean and elsewhere for a cruise of several years with his family and a party of congenial tist friends.

T Wright credit

���Mr. Robert Paine, the builder at work on the rudder boxing

��notable statuary of the Panama-Pacific Exposition. The strange craft, which is about the size of the smaller of Columbus' caravels, 55 feet in length, 20 feet high, and II feet of beam, was hewn out of the rough by his own hands "between times." It will be rigged with a large square sail. The vessel has been given the name of Aries, the name having been taken from one of the signs of the Zodiac. A large ram's head carved from wood serves as a figurehead. A most conspicuous and debate- able feature of the out- v/ard appearance is the queer oar-like rudder protruding from the stern, like an ancient galley oar, but rigidly pivoted at the center of its lower end in a ball-and-socket joint. A tiller arm is attached to the rudder head lo- cated in the peep-cabin. Most rudders are

���Side view of the rudder showing the queer manner in which it is suspended

��Stern view of the keel showing also the knife-edge of the rudder and brace beams


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