Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/436

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��turn, cannot happen until after the dedent spring has been compressed and the dedents dropped into the lower dedent cavity.

Notwithstand- ing the fact that the detonating head is capable of causing the in- stant explosion of the projectile, it is in reality a harmless piece of mechanism until it leaves the muz- zle of the gun. In fact, a pretty heavy blow of a sledge hammer could be given this detonating head without any danger of explod- ing the projectile. In the illustration at the right is shown the various parts of the mechanism and their relation to each other.

��Popular Science Monthly

Growing Umbrella Handles to Sim- ulate Freaks of Nature









��The graze pellet fits loosely into the fuse body and is held in position by a small block of metal known as a centrifugal bolt which fits into a transverse hole in the body and pro- trudes over the shoulder of the graze pellet. Behind this centrifugal bolt and holding it in place is the upper dedent. This is a simple rod with a ball end fitted into a cup-shaped receptacle in the lower and larger dedent. Under the lower dedent is a coil spring simply stiff enough to hold the lower dedent up against the shoulder formed between the lower and upper dedent holes, at the left of the illustration above

��New Vest Attachment to the Trousers in Place


��ANEW attachment for the vest holds t<he trousers in the proper position and prevents the vest, from "riding up." Four strong loops are sewed to the vest on the inside so as to be invisible; these then pass around the belt of the trousers and fasten with a clasp. When the vest is buttoned the trousers and vest are held in position so as to look neat; if desired the belt may be worn loose so as to allow ease of movement and prevent binding. The attachment is also useful to those whose work requires con- siderable bending and stooping and causes the shirt gradually to work up. The principal argument against this attachment is that the vest would have to be worn summer and winter.

���This belt holds the vest down and the trousers up and keeps the shirt where it belongs

��T is a mistake to state that all the umbrella handles, with their kinks and twists and bends, are freaks of na- ture; they are, on the contrary, the result of care- ful training on the part of some um- brella farmer. A moment's thought and you will ad- mit that, in all your ram- bles through the woods, you never saw anything like the han- dles on dollar umbrellas ob- tainable in the city.

In France there is a plantation of several hundred acres devoted entirely to the rais- ing of umbrella handles, canes, and riding whips. The artful handle grower cuts the trees a little above the ground evel and a number of saplings sprout from the roots. Then the buds of these sprouts are nipped off. By cutting the bark and training the shoots, almost any variety of design may be produced.

After two or three years the crop of umbrella han- dles and walking sticks is harvested and after the necessary treatment, the product is ready for the market. If you feel that the raising of beans and po- tatoes is too prosaic, try the artistic cultiva- tion of original designs in um- brellas and canes.


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